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Worship & Teaching:  Every Other Friday @ 7:00pm

Prayer Meeting On Alternate Friday Nights


Next Teaching Fellowship:  July 26, 2024


Teaching: Our Thoughts - Isaiah 53 Part 2


Next Zoom Prayer Meeting - July 19, 2024


Zoom Opens At 6:45pm

Read About Our Off Week Prayer Meeting



Unleavened Bread Spring Feast 2024 Photos


Unleavened Bread Spring Feast 2024 Teaching



Jerry Mitchell was recently interviewed on Spotlight TV

concerning his book "Tradition To Truth".

Click here for the interview with Emmy Award winner

Logan Crawford.


Messianic Delaware's Own Pam Laurion

Is Featured in a Newsweek Article

Concerning Religious Trips To Mt. Sinai

Click Here to Read The Article


Torah Yeshiva of Messianic Delaware

We continue to study our Identity in Yeshua which is a

dynamic, practical and basic study drawing from

the Old and New Testament.

Please think about joining us for a good study, food and fellowship

on most Shabbats 3:00 pm- 5:30 pm.

 Tranquility Farm in Milford, DE.

If you plan to attend please contact Gail Transeau at doctorgailmt@gmail.com or

301-873-4833 by 3PM Friday so she can plan for the correct materials and refreshments.

Click Here For Further Information


Messianic Delaware's Pam Laurion will be leading a

tour to Saudi Arabia.  Pam has become a recognized expert

on Mt. Sinai and wants to share that knowledge with you.

Click here for more info.

Click here for the official trip brochure.


 Temporarily and until further notice, all of our

Fellowships will be Zoom only.  Feast days

will still be celebrated in person.


  Do your friends ask you about why you follow Torah?

Download our Torah Apologetics Guide

for answers to basic questions about the Torah.

Click here to download the Guide.



See photos of our Yom Teruah, Sukkot , Hanukkah,

Passover, Shavuot, & Purim Celebrations

On Our Media Page


Videos of our Fellowship via Zoom are posted under the

Teachings Tab.


Click Here For Instructions On Installing Zoom Software


Click Here For Instructions On How To Enter A Fellowship Via Zoom


For The Zoom ID, Telephone Carl At (302) 645-6972



Click Here For Additional Fellowship Opportunities


Read Jerry's Books


Tradition To Truth

One Man's Search For Honest Answers


God's Universe, God's Rules


Inheriting Lies





Listen to Jerry's "Give God 90" Podcasts


For More Messianic Information Use Our Links Page


Messianic Delaware — A Messianic Based Fellowship

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy,

          but to fulfill.  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle

shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.  Matthew 5:17-18


As you sit in church do you feel you are missing something?

Do you have questions about the scriptures that you can’t get answered?

Are you tired of politically correct religion?

Do you want to worship God rather than Man?


If so, Messianic Delaware is your answer.


Copyright © 2024 MessianicDelaware.org
All Rights Reserved