
The Torah Yeshiva Restarts October 21st


The Torah Yeshiva has restarted. We have now left Jerry’s new book Inheriting Lies and have begun organizing our study using Hebrew and Greek Interlinear texts as well as other resources to add to our understanding of the original Hebrew/Aramaic. We are now compiling verses that have to do with the foundational principles of “Our Identity in Yeshua” which will lead to “Our Purpose in Yahovah” and “Our Authority and Value in Yeshua”. We then will take these verses through the Hebrew Interlinear for discussion and a deeper understanding of these important subjects. The Torah Yeshiva will meet next on Shabbat, October 21 at 3:00.

This is an opportunity to know fellow followers of the Word in deeper fellowship than Zoom, and to understand more deeply the call of Yahovah’s Word on our lives in a very practical sense. It is the very thing that the early church saw as absolute necessity, and not much has changed in that regard, especially given the times in which we live.

The Torah Study will only be live.  No Zoom or recordings will be available.

This Torah Study is designed to supplement the activities of Messianic Delaware, not replace them.  Normal Friday night meetings
of the Fellowship will continue as before.

Please contact Gail Transeau at (301) 873-4833 or for further information on this new Torah Study.

Tranquility Farm is located at the following address:
6505 Griffith Lake Drive
Milford, DE 19963

“Study to show thyself approved, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15